GOFILTR Mobile App

request mobile app account and data deletion

If you'd like to delete your mobile app account and all associated data please email to support@gofiltr.com from email address you use to login to GOFILTR mobile app. This will be sufficient to identify your account and process your request within 36 hours.

Please do not share your password or name, we would never ask you for your password, ever.

Please note that deleting account will delete all associated data and you will not be able to login or restore your data. Data deletion is permanent. We do not store or have ability to recover it. If you'd like to keep an account but only need to delete data associated with your account then you can do so within GOFILTR app by swiping left on your GOFILTR activations, this way all activation data is permanently and immediately deleted.

  • Email

    If you'd like to send us a written note, our mailing business address: 24325 Crenshaw Blvd #355 Torrance CA, 90505 USA.


  • Support Hours

    Mon - Fri : 9am - 5pm PT

    We observe all major US holidays. Please allow 24 hours for response.